
The unexpected gift that made my day

The unexpected gift that made my day

I have been a little bit low in spirits these days, but fortunately I've got my private super hero who saves me from yapping and pressing the panic button. I received those two lovely cushions with matryohska dolls. That was totally unexpected and really made my day ! Here they are: I love being surprised...


My heart is broken, when my holidays are ending

My heart is broken, when my holidays are ending

Yes, i feel heartbroken. My beloved holidays - the time of lollygaging and sweet undisturbed boredom - are about to end. Now i'm going to toil at 2 majors, bleh ! But let's go back to somewhat more pleasant subjects. As I promised, these are my new Modern Vintage frames. Frames bought at FLO...


My long-lasting craving is going to be quenched

My long-lasting craving is going to be quenched

Today I'm going to buy this lovely black chandelier. I've been yearning to buy it for a long time, and finally i'm going to get it with 15-percent-discount. Yay ! It will go well with my patterned wallpaper. Gipsy Black Lamp Chandelier (can be bought at Flo stores) And here is the aforementioned...

What do you say after you say hello ?

Firstly I want to say hello. And what is next ? Well, this blog will be a story of furnishing and decorating my first own flat. As a lover of beauty, I want to show you all these pretty things I adore. By 'things' I mean not only furniture and decorative...