
I'm going to have my own sleep space!

My Ikea voucher has finally arrived, so now I can plan my shopping. Maybe this weekend my dreams will come true and I'll buy my own sleep space. According to my bed, it should be comfortable and spacious. We found a perfect one at Ikea (it's not taking long to figure out that it's my favourite store:). It's relatively cheap and got a fantastic moderately firm foam matterace. At first I had thought about buying Beddinge in fuchsia, but I realized that it would have been too much of pink in one room (my walls are pink too...). Now I'm decided to buy a dark grey one.

Ikea Beddinge Murbo (pic from ikea.pl)

Now I can't wait for the weekend to begin. Not only because I may go shopping, but mainly because I'm very tired. I'm spending 10 or 12 hours a day at my university studing two faculties. That is so exhausting, since you have to be at the peak of  your abilities all the time. I hope I'll manage.

2 komentarze:

  1. tez mam beddinge:)tylko ze granatowa! strasznie Ci zazddroszcze tego vouchera, jak sie cos takiego zdobywa??;( PUDELKA NA CIAStka nie widac, a szkoda bo chcialam zobczyc czy to takie jak ja mam, z ludzikami ;> kocham takie rzeczy:D szkoda ze ikea daleko;/ ahh jeszcze, na mojej uczelni przewazaja powazne i dyskutujace cnotki niewydymki w szarych giezłach z targowiska...
