
Christmas gifts :)

yes and now I will boast ;) I love all my gifts and I was given what I wanted :) To start with:

Lolita Lempicki's Forbidden Flower :) One of my favourite scents apart from CK Euphoria. I'm a real perfume lover, so a bottle of wonderful smelling fragrance is always a strike-home-gift :)

Givenchy's Mister Light Corrective Pen - I had a sample of it and so far it's the best corrective pen I've ever had. It lightens and covers what you want, and gives you that fresh look :) In my opinion it's better than famous YSL's Touche Eclat.

This lovely pot is not an actual christmas gift. We bought it long time ago at some junk shop. It's from Bavaria Mitterteich china factory. The handmade pad under it is a Christmas present from my boyfriend's grandma.

Nigella's book ! I was whining about it for a long time :D and now I;ve got it :) So far I\ve tracked some great cake recipies there!

Ta-dah ! My own Dala horse :)I wrote about it in one of previous posts as a craving...And now I've got it in my hands :) It's so lovely !

It's not everything ;> I've got something to show you, but first I have to use it :) so please wait :)


The spirit of home :)

As the time goes by, my flat feels more and more like home. To make it easier, I took advantage of upcoming Christmas and made our first baking-and-decorating-gingerbread-cookies session. A wonderful scent of spice has filled our flat. Our cookies may not look clasically beauty though... ;) But we tried ! Here you've got some pics !

As you can see we had a lot of fun !

We really had... :P

A cookie may tell you a lot :P yeah, that was a wise one

Decorating is a tough task at times  ;)

And voila !

According to creating domestic hearth, I cooked today my first (and by the way delicious...) pierogies. These are some kind of my childhood symbol, cause my nana is a real pierogi mistress. When I was a little girl, I would cook a lot with her :) And now my prince charming asked me to cook it, so I couldn't refuse :)

Z tygodnia na tydzień moje mieszkanie staje się bardziej moim domem, niż jakimś tam zbiorem pomieszczeń. Aby troche ułatwić mu sprawę zoorganizowalam pierwszą sesję pieczenno-zdobieniową pierników. Jak widać na powyższych zdjeciach nieżle się przy tym bawiliśmy ;) Może nie sa jakieś najpiekniejsze, no ale są nasze ;p

Z burzliwego życia pani domu mogę również wspomnieć o pierwszych własnoręcznie lepionych pierogach z mięsem. których to zażyczył sobie mój szanowny towarzysz życiowy i które to dostał w postaci pożywnej strawy w sobotnie popołudnie ;P Pierogi robiłam wg przepisu mojej babci, która jest w tej dziedzinie niezaprzeczalną mistrzynią. Jeszcze trochę i mogę konkurować ;)

specjalnie dla glupiego tomka: xo.xo gossip girl ;p